I have so many fun toys I couldn't possibly show you all of them here (I'm spoiled, I know). So instead, we made a top ten list of the best toys in the house. You won't believe #3! And if you want to buy your own, just click on the image!

  1. #10. Gnomes

    I'm a big fan of burrowing toys and this was the first one I got so it has a special place in my heart. I've gotten better ones but I still keep this one in my box for sentimental value.

  2. #9. Fox

    Much like my Gnomes, Fox is something that I enjoy but have nicer versions of now. In this case I mostly use it as a tug toys. But if my other tug toys don't get me attention, I'll grab Fox out since it's the only one with a squeaker.

  3. #8. Monkey

    When I first started getting boxes from Woof Packs this was one of the first toys I got. In fact most of the toys I have come from them. But you always remember your first!

  4. #7. Long Moose/Pig

    These two tie as they're basically the same toys with different clothes. I got moose first and loved it so much that my humans went out and bought me pig as well. I still love them both but I never get to keep them too long as I keep putting holes in them, so they're not higher on the list.

  5. #6. Pig

    Can you tell I like pigs? Pig toys are fun, and pig ears are delicious. Sometimes I even get some pork if it falls on the floor! I play with this pig often and it's super durable. It has to be to stand up to me, for I am a mighty chewer!

  6. #5. Ducky

    Jenny bought me this one special because it brought her so much joy. I can see why, as it's the strangest shape. Sometimes I hear her yell out "Cube-y Duck!" from across the house and I come running. It makes me excited because it makes her excited!

  7. #4. Bao

    Another one of my burrow toys! These ones don't pack in as tightly as the others but I still enjoy digging them out. They're also a good size to throw so I make sure my humans get lots of practice. I haven't had them much lately as I tried to eat their filling (not real pork!) and they had to be fixed. Now they've returned and I couldn't be happier!

  8. #3. Rainbow

    Easily, the best of the burrow toys. We got these because I love my other burrows, and unicorns are my favourite animal! We even got an extra set of the unicorns so we could pack them in super tight and make it harder for me to get them out. Not that it's ever stopped me, because I'm so very smrt.

  9. #2. Unicorn

    Unicorns! Unicorns are amazing and bright and colorful and I love them so much! You can see how much I love my unicorn because of how dirty it is, and that's even with it getting washed frequently. And it's extra special because when it's raining my humans toss it back and forth down the corridor for me to chase, and it's always special getting to play together as a family.

  10. #1! Rope

    If there's one game I love more than any other it's tug, and this rope is perfect for it. Tk and I play with it often and I make dog noises and he makes human noises. He's weird but I still love him. It's also the only toys I bother to fetch properly, as I get bored with tennis balls. It's also my heaviest toys, so if I want to get someone's attention I throw it on their feet and that make a silly sound and they look at me. Mission accomplished!